June 20, 2009

Hair Fair 2009 - Averie's Favorites

I was lucky enough to gain access to the Hair Fair a little bit early, got a chance to shop around, and wanted to show you some of my favorite pieces from designers so far :) I'm including direct SLURLs to the booths so you can find the styles easily if you like them! Enjoy!

(Please click image above to enlarge!)

Pictured from Left to Right:
-- [Decoy Hair] Zoey - Golden Brown
-- Lamb - Babys on Fire - KitKat
-- Find Ash - Innocent Phase - Light Brown/HF'09 Limited
-- Truth - Esme - Cocoa
-- Curio - Paper Tiger 1 - Light Brown
-- Raspberry Aristocrat - Adora Hair - Brown Driftwood

Also pictured:
Skin: Gala - June
Eyes: Zanzo - Diyu Eyes in Youming
Tank: Whippet & Buck -Hykova Buttoned Tank in Peach

The hair fair opens in less than an hour!!! Have fun shopping everyone!


design by suckmylolly.com